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5 Technology Stocks Powering S&P 500 ETF This Year – Yahoo Finance

This year, five technology stocks have been driving the performance of the S&P 500 ETF. These companies have been instrumental in the ETF’s growth and success in the market. The technology sector has been a major contributor to the overall performance of the S&P 500 ETF, and these five stocks have been leading the way.

Investors have been closely watching these technology stocks as they continue to outperform the market. These companies have shown resilience and strength in the face of economic challenges and market volatility. Their innovative products and services have helped them stay ahead of the competition and attract investors looking for growth opportunities.

Overall, these five technology stocks have been key drivers of the S&P 500 ETF’s performance this year. Their strong performance has helped the ETF outperform the broader market and deliver solid returns to investors. As the technology sector continues to evolve and grow, these companies are expected to remain at the forefront of innovation and drive further growth in the market.

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