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Op-ed | Curbside EV chargers can solve energy scarcity problems – if done right – amNY

Curbside EV chargers have the potential to address energy scarcity issues, but only if implemented correctly. These chargers, located on city streets, can help increase the accessibility and convenience of electric vehicle charging for urban residents.

By strategically placing curbside EV chargers in areas with high demand, such as residential neighborhoods and commercial districts, cities can alleviate strain on the energy grid and reduce the need for costly infrastructure upgrades. This can ultimately lead to a more sustainable and reliable energy supply.

However, it is important for cities to carefully plan the installation of curbside chargers to ensure they are efficient and effective. Factors such as parking availability, charging speed, and payment options must be taken into consideration to encourage widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

In addition, cities should prioritize the use of renewable energy sources to power curbside chargers, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. By taking these steps, curbside EV chargers can play a significant role in addressing energy scarcity issues and promoting a cleaner, more sustainable future for urban areas.

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