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Illegal to be ’ugly’? The history behind one of America‘s cruelest laws – National Geographic

It’s hard to believe, but there was a time in America when it was actually illegal to be considered “ugly.” This cruel law has a dark history that dates back to the early 20th century.

The law, known as the Ugly Laws, was enacted in various cities across the United States, including Chicago, San Francisco, and New York. These laws targeted individuals who were deemed unattractive or physically disabled, making it illegal for them to appear in public places.

The justification for these laws was rooted in the belief that those who were considered unattractive were a burden on society and needed to be hidden from public view. The laws were often enforced through arrests and fines, further marginalizing and stigmatizing those who were already vulnerable.

Thankfully, these discriminatory laws have since been repealed, but the legacy of the Ugly Laws lives on as a reminder of the systemic discrimination and prejudice faced by individuals who do not fit society’s narrow standards of beauty.

As we reflect on this dark chapter in American history, it’s important to remember the harm that can be caused by such discriminatory laws and to continue fighting for a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

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