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State pension funds eye crypto investments, cheered on by lobbyists – The Washington Post

State pension funds are considering investing in cryptocurrencies, a move being encouraged by lobbyists. This potential shift in investment strategy has caught the attention of many, as state pension funds are typically known for their conservative approach to investing.

The idea of state pension funds delving into the world of crypto may seem unconventional, but lobbyists are pushing for this move as they believe it could yield high returns. While some may be skeptical about the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies, others see it as an opportunity to diversify their portfolio and potentially generate significant profits.

It is important to note that state pension funds are responsible for managing retirement benefits for public employees, so any decision to invest in cryptocurrencies will be carefully considered. However, the growing interest in this emerging asset class is a clear indication of the changing landscape of investment opportunities.

As discussions continue, it will be interesting to see if state pension funds ultimately decide to take the plunge into the world of cryptocurrencies. Only time will tell if this potential investment will pay off and provide a lucrative opportunity for public employee retirement funds.

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