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Coal’s Asian Comeback – Forbes

Coal, once considered a dying industry in many parts of the world, is making a comeback in Asia. As countries in the region continue to develop rapidly, the demand for coal as a cheap and reliable source of energy has surged.

China, the world’s largest coal producer and consumer, has seen a rebound in coal consumption in recent years. Despite efforts to reduce reliance on coal and shift towards cleaner energy sources, the country still heavily depends on coal to meet its energy needs.

India, another major player in the coal industry, has also witnessed a rise in coal consumption. With a growing population and increasing urbanization, the country’s demand for electricity has been steadily increasing, leading to a greater reliance on coal-fired power plants.

In Southeast Asia, countries like Indonesia and Vietnam have been expanding their coal-fired power capacity to meet the rising demand for electricity. Despite concerns about the environmental impact of burning coal, these countries see coal as a cost-effective option to fuel their economic growth.

While the global trend may be moving towards cleaner energy sources, coal continues to play a significant role in Asia’s energy mix. As long as it remains a cheap and abundant source of energy, coal is likely to remain a key player in the region’s energy industry for years to come.

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