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Japan-S. Korea Public Opinion Survey: Understanding of Security Cooperation Deepens, But Problems Remain

In a joint survey conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun and South Korean newspaper Hankook Ilbo, it was found that a high percentage of Japanese and South Koreans are in favor of strengthening security cooperation among Japan, the United States, and South Korea. Over 86% of Japanese and 79% of South Koreans support this initiative.

The survey also revealed that a majority of respondents in both countries believe that promoting cooperation in diplomacy and security is crucial for the future. In light of the escalating security threats in East Asia, including North Korea’s missile development and China’s aggressive maritime expansion, there is a growing awareness in South Korea of the importance of cooperation with not only the United States but also Japan.

Positive developments have been observed in the relationship between Japan and South Korea, with public sentiment towards each other improving. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s efforts to improve relations with Japan have been well-received, leading to an increase in the percentage of people feeling a sense of closeness with the other country.

However, there are concerns about political movements in South Korea seeking to undermine Yoon’s diplomatic efforts with Japan. The largest left-wing opposition party is pushing for a review of Yoon’s foreign policy, potentially inflaming anti-Japanese sentiments among the public. Furthermore, South Korean courts have issued rulings favoring compensation for former wartime requisitioned workers from the Korean Peninsula, raising tensions between Japan and South Korea.

It is important for South Korean opposition parties to act with caution and not use relations with Japan as a political tool. Such actions could benefit countries like North Korea, Russia, and China, which aim to divide Japan, the United States, and South Korea. Maintaining strong trilateral security cooperation is essential for the stability and security of the region.

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