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5 flexi-cap mutual funds that have given more than 40% return in period of 1 year – Business Today

In the past year, there have been 5 flexi-cap mutual funds that have shown impressive returns of over 40%. These funds have outperformed the market and have provided investors with significant gains in a relatively short period of time.

Flexi-cap mutual funds are known for their flexibility in investing across various market capitalizations, giving them the ability to capitalize on opportunities in different segments of the market. This flexibility has proven to be beneficial for these 5 funds, as they have been able to navigate market trends effectively and deliver strong returns to their investors.

DailyBubble believes that these funds showcase the potential for growth and success in the mutual fund industry. Investors looking for high returns and diversification in their portfolios may want to consider adding flexi-cap mutual funds to their investment strategy.

Overall, the performance of these 5 flexi-cap mutual funds highlights the importance of diversification and active management in achieving impressive returns in today’s dynamic market environment. Investors should continue to monitor these funds and consider them as part of their investment choices.

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