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DailyBubble News

3 Rock-Solid Dividend Stocks That Are Ideal for Retirees

Investing in dividend stocks can be a smart move for retirees looking for stable income. Not all high-yielding stocks are safe, but by choosing established companies, you can lower your risk while enjoying high dividends. Three low-risk stocks with high yields to consider are AbbVie, AT&T, and ExxonMobil.

AbbVie is a drugmaker with a long history of dividend growth, offering a 3.8% yield. The company has a low beta value, indicating stability in its stock price. AbbVie continues to innovate and expand its portfolio through strategic acquisitions, making it a reliable investment option.

AT&T, despite recent challenges, remains a solid telecom stock with a 6.6% yield. The company has shown resilience in its financial performance, making its dividend safe for investors. With a payout ratio of around 60%, AT&T is a good choice for those seeking consistent income.

ExxonMobil is a strong option for investors concerned about inflation, offering a 3.3% yield. The company has a track record of increasing dividends and recently expanded its portfolio through an acquisition. Even with fluctuations in oil prices, ExxonMobil is positioned to maintain its dividend payments.

Overall, these low-risk stocks with high yields can provide retirees with a reliable source of income while minimizing investment risk. It’s important to consider your financial goals and risk tolerance before investing in any stock.

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