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10 Funds That Are Thriving During the Rotation Out of Tech Stocks – Morningstar

As the market shifts away from tech stocks, investors are looking for alternative options that are thriving in this new landscape. Here are 10 funds that are standing out during this rotation:

1. XYZ Growth Fund: This fund has seen steady growth in sectors outside of tech, offering investors a diversified portfolio to weather the market changes.

2. ABC Value Fund: With a focus on undervalued companies in non-tech sectors, this fund has been a safe haven for investors looking for stability.

3. LMN Dividend Fund: Investors seeking income have turned to this fund, which focuses on companies with strong dividend payouts in sectors less affected by the tech sell-off.

4. QRS Small-Cap Fund: Small-cap stocks have been outperforming tech giants recently, and this fund has capitalized on the trend with its focus on up-and-coming companies.

5. TUV Healthcare Fund: As the healthcare sector continues to show resilience, this fund has attracted investors looking for steady returns in a volatile market.

6. WXY Energy Fund: With the rise in oil prices and renewable energy stocks, this fund has seen strong performance as investors bet on the future of the energy sector.

7. RST Bond Fund: In uncertain times, many investors are turning to bonds for stability, and this fund has provided a safe haven for those looking to preserve capital.

8. UVW Real Estate Fund: Real estate has been a bright spot in the market, and this fund has capitalized on the sector’s strength with its focus on property investments.

9. XYZ Emerging Markets Fund: As tech stocks falter, investors are turning to emerging markets for growth opportunities, and this fund has delivered strong returns in these regions.

10. BCD Gold Fund: With inflation concerns on the rise, gold has become a popular hedge against market volatility, and this fund has seen increased interest from investors seeking to protect their portfolios.

DailyBubble’s take: As the market continues to shift away from tech stocks, it’s important for investors to diversify their portfolios and consider alternative options that are thriving in this new landscape. These 10 funds offer opportunities for investors to capitalize on the rotation and position themselves for success in the current market environment.

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